parasite seo

Parasite SEO is an interesting strategy in digital marketing. It’s about using the authority of established platforms to rank your content in search engines. Once you’ve tried this method a few times, you’ll be amazed by how it can improve your site’s ranking for less competitive keywords. In parasite SEO, marketers and content creators use high-authority third-party platforms like blogs, forums, and social networks to publish their blogs and content on them.

For example, writing a blog on Techcrunch will quickly place your content in the top three search results due to Techcrunch’s established authority.  Your page acts like a parasite. It draws authority from the host domain by posting articles or web pages on high-ranking Web 2.0 sites or social media platforms. This way you get the host site’s high traffic, increasing your chances of getting more leads and successful conversions

Let’s learn how to rank a low-authority web page or article higher in the Google search engine.

Importance of Parasite SEO in 2024

Today, with so many websites around, you need to put extra effort into showing up on search engines. Parasite SEO is a smart way to do this, using big, trusted websites to help your website get seen by more people. It works well for a few reasons.

1. Google Trusts Reputable Websites

This is why their content can rank well even without external links. These websites age well in Google’s index and gain more ranking power over time. If there are no major changes in Google’s ranking criteria, using authoritative websites through strategies like parasite SEO is likely to continue being effective, even in highly competitive fields. It also reduces the risk of Google penalties, which used to be more common when manipulating links.

2. Links to Pages on Popular Websites are Safer

Before 2010, having lots of links was important for search rankings. Now, using a well-known website’s brand can help get more clicks in search results. It’s also less risky to use specific keywords in links on popular websites than on your own site. Doing this on your own site can lead to penalties.

How does Parasite SEO work?

Parasitic SEO is simple. All you gotta do is write a good article of around 500 to 1000 words, and publish it on a website. Then, you promote it with social signals and links. If done correctly, you can quickly appear on the first page of Google for less competitive keywords. Use relevant SEO keywords in your title and throughout your content to attract traffic and improve search engine rankings. Google Analytics can help you track keyword performance if you’re not interested in buying a tool like Ahref or SEMRUSH.

Here’s how parasite SEO works.

  • Using Trusted Websites

You pick well-known websites that search engines already trust. These could be big blogs, social networks, or places where people share content a lot. When your content is on these sites, it’s more likely to show up higher in search results.

  • Finding the Right Keywords

You research keywords carefully to find the best ones for your topic. These are words or phrases that people often search for but aren’t too competitive. Using these keywords helps your content get noticed more.

  • Making Great Content

Your content needs to be good and helpful. Search engines like content that’s well-written and useful to readers. It should match your audience’s wants and be easy to read with clear headings.

  • Getting Good Links

You build links back to your content on these trusted sites. This helps your content become more important to search engines, so it ranks higher. You can get links by guest posting on other sites, sharing on social media, or sharing your content.

4 Steps to Do Parasite SEO

Step 1: Finding a website with High DA

Start by finding reputable websites where you can publish your content. Look for high-DA websites that post content related to your desired topic. You can know a website’s strength by checking its trust flow and citation flow. Put simply, the more backlinks a website has from high-trust flow sites, the more reliable it is. You can check that through tools like SEMRUSH and Ahrefs.  So, always check the number of backlinks associated with the site. It’s because a website’s strength is defined by the number of backlinks it has and also its pages indexed in Google. For better results, regularly check how many pages of the host website are indexed by Google.

Step 2: Creating a Content Plan Based on the Audience 

Find platforms with a high domain authority that match your niche and target audience and shortlist them. Once done, evaluate them to choose one or more to host your content. You can submit them on popular sites like Medium, LinkedIn, and guest blogging websites. After doing that, you create a customized plan keeping in mind your target audience and the SEO factors.

Step 3: Optimizing Content for your Target Keywords

After creating a plan, you need to make sure that your content includes SEO keywords. If you don’t do that, nobody will ever find out your content. That’s why you must put keywords naturally and without forcing them in H1 and H2s, the text, meta title, and descriptions. However, you need to make sure that your content holds value and is not purely made for ranking purposes. If your content is interesting, helpful, and easy to understand, keywords will help you. Otherwise they won’t. Moreover, links also improve your site’s position in search results, so mind creating some backlinks too.

Step 4: Promoting Your Parasite Content

After all that, the final step is to promote your content. For that, you must share it on social media, through email marketing, and by reaching out to influencers. It increases the visibility of your content and helps you attract more visitors and generate a lot more backlinks. Some of these websites are paid. But it’s a good idea to pay for respected websites like These kinds of websites also allow you to add cta  buttons unlike Medium. Medium might remove them. Most parasite articles are labeled as sponsored content, so it’s a standard practice in the industry.

The Pros and Cons of Parasite SEO

Advantages of Parasite SEO Disadvantages of Parasite SEO
Parasite SEO produces quicker results than traditional SEO for new or low-authority websites. On third-party platforms, you may have little authority to control how your content is formatted.
Using high-authority platforms reduces the need for link-building and costly SEO services. Some platforms have strict rules about the content you can post and how you promote it.
Using well-known platforms helps your content become visible and reach a larger audience. As search engine algorithms change, Parasite SEO may become less effective.
Platforms have the authority to remove your content without telling you.

When Should You Use Parasite SEO

Parasite SEO can be risky. It’s like building something on someone else’s land. You might see quick results, but you don’t have full control. If the site owner removes your post or if competitors post better content, your ranking could drop suddenly. Even Google’s updates can affect your visibility, making it a volatile approach.

Since you don’t own the site, there are many things that you can’t control. You might not be able to change your content later, the site’s authority could change, or Google might rethink how it ranks sites. It’s a bit like renting a house—you don’t have the final say in what happens to the property. Despite these risks, parasite SEO has been used successfully by marketers for years and will likely continue to play a role in SEO strategies, especially for generating short-term traffic and results.

Also Read: What Are Rich Snippets for SEO? (And How to Get It)

Final Thoughts

Now you know what is parasite SEO. It helps you increase your content’s visibility without starting from scratch. Although it gives you less control over your content and may see fluctuations in search rankings, it lets you attract more visitors to your site. All you gotta do is submit content to high domain authority websites that accept articles or links. To do that, you need to carefully select host websites. Once done, you optimize your content for SEO, submit it, and promote it effectively. Stay updated on search trends to adjust your strategies accordingly because SEO is volatile and changes frequently.


What is Parasite SEO’s primary goal?

Parasite SEO is a way to make your website appear higher in search results. It works by putting your content on well-known websites to use their authority to improve rankings. This method uses these trusted sites to rank for very competitive keywords quickly.

Which platforms are commonly used for Parasite SEO?

Some great websites for Parasite SEO are Medium, Quora, Reddit, and other top platforms in the SEO world. These sites can significantly improve SEO performance because they have high domain authority and active user engagement.

Can Parasite SEO help improve my website’s domain authority?

Using Parasite SEO means using popular websites to rank for tough keywords and bring visitors to your site. This can help you get seen more, build your site’s authority, rank higher, and get more visitors. It’s also faster and cheaper.

How can I ensure long-term success with Parasite SEO?

To do really well, you need to use different strategies together. Parasite SEO is one, but you also need to use content marketing, quality link building, and local SEO. If you use all of these together, you’ll be more successful in the long run.

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